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Sunset from the Airplane Window

Flight Options

Below are flight estimates for our LUX IT UP IN Punta Cana Group Trip. Although LUX Travel will not be booking flights, we have provided options for flights from multiple airports for group travelers to book their own flights into Punta Cana (PUJ airport code).

All flights below are priced for 1 traveler, roundtrip from Thursday, September 5 - Monday September 9, 2024. Flight prices fluctuate daily so please note prices are based on May 5 pricing and are subject to change.


United Airlines -  BDL -> PUJ (Estimate $553 roundtrip) **BAGGAGE NOT INCLUDED**

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Departure Flight (Thurs 9/5)

6:00 AM Bradley International Airport (BDL) - 7:26 AM Dulles International Airport (IAD)

Travel time: 1 hr 26 min

1 hr 24 min layover Washington (IAD)

8:50 AM Dulles International Airport (IAD) - 12:40 PM Punta Cana International Airport (PUJ)

Travel time: 3 hr 50 min

Return Flight (Mon 9/9)

4:35 PM Punta Cana International Airport (PUJ) - 8:24 PM Dulles International Airport (IAD)

Travel time: 3 hr 49 min

2 hr 9 min layover Washington (IAD)

10:33 PM Dulles International Airport (IAD) - 11:59 PM Bradley International Airport (BDL)

Travel time: 1 hr 26 min

JetBlue Airlines -  JFK -> PUJ (Estimate $351 roundtrip) **BAGGAGE NOT INCLUDED**

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Departure Flight (Thurs 9/5)

9:40 AM John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) - 1:40 PM Punta Cana International Airport (PUJ)

Travel time: 4 hr (NONSTOP)

Return Flight (Mon 9/9)

1:00 PM Punta Cana International Airport (PUJ) - 4:53 PM John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK)

Travel time: 3 hr 53 min (NONSTOP)


Delta Airlines -  JFK -> PUJ (Estimate $391 roundtrip) **BAGGAGE NOT INCLUDED**

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Departure Flight (Thurs 9/5)

8:20 AM John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) - 12:36 PM Punta Cana International Airport (PUJ)

Travel time: 4 hr 16 min (NONSTOP)

Return Flight (Mon 9/9)

1:55 PM Punta Cana International Airport (PUJ) - 5:59 PM John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK)

Travel time: 4 hr 4 min (NONSTOP)

JetBlue Airlines -  BOS -> PUJ (Estimate $491 roundtrip) **BAGGAGE NOT INCLUDED**

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Departure Flight (Thurs 9/5)

10:41 AM Boston Logan International Airport (BOS) - 2:48 PM Punta Cana International Airport (PUJ)

Travel time: 4 hr 7 min (NONSTOP)

Return Flight (Mon 9/9)

3:48 PM Punta Cana International Airport (PUJ) - 8:00 PM Boston Logan International Airport (BOS)

Travel time: 4 hr 12 min (NONSTOP)

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